Student Solution


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– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Week 7 DB - Joint Quiz effort

Quiz E

Q This week you will be asked to work collaboratively on the multiple-choice quiz based on Chapter 4: The Mind/Body Connection. Choose at least one question where you are not sure and discuss how you plan to arrive at the answer. You can ask other students in the forum for help and you can offer help to other students. Think of this quiz as a group effort. For full credit you must bring up at least one of the questions and you must respond to at least one other student.

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Hello Everyone , Some questions I would like to mention here that may help to bring a good understanding about the topic are : 1. Which system is suppressed as a result of stress response ? For this question , I kept on searching on this topic and then I thought our body becomes weak when we experience stress and this leads to weakening of the immune system.